School/Community Links


Welcome to our schools/community page. Here we hope to include items/articles or events from the schools within our, district together with community events held.


Greenhill Primary School greenhill

News from Greenhill Primary School

During this half term we have been settling into our new classes and making all our new friends welcome. On Wednesday 9th October the school held their Harvest Assembly led by Reverend Powell. The children brought in donations and we raised £85 for Diabetes U.K. We have had two school trips this half term: Dosbarth Gwyrdd enjoyed a day at Techniquest exploring the Space in the Planetarium and Dosbarth Glas went back in time in St. Fagan's to find out more about their topic Celtic Wales.

Saving the planet and keeping Wales tidy is very important to us. We are currently recycling crisp bags, food, batteries, glasses, milk cartons, plastic and papper. The children in year 6 are also making "eco bricks" where plastic bottles are stuffed with non-recyclable plastics and can then be used as building materials.

On Friday we have our assessment to see if we have earned our Platinum Green Flag from Keep Wales Tidy. Wish us luck!


Glyngaer Primary School  

Celebrating Harvest

During October I had the privilege of attending the Harvest assembly at Glyngaer primary school where we spoke about what harvest means to us, starting with H for Help and ending with T for being Thankful to God for all he provides in order for us to have food to eat and for those who work in the food chain – from the farmers to the shops.  The children also sang harvest songs including Cauliflowers Fluffy and Harvest Samba, with their lovely voices raising the rafters. 


Gilfach Fargoed Primary School gilfachfargoed


On Friday, 18th October, Gilfach Primary celebrated their Harvest in St. Margaret’s Church with the children donating various foods to and money for the local food bank.  During their service the children gave thanks for all we have through prayers and recitation and raised the rafters with their singing.



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